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  • Texxture's Timeless Touch

    New! Texxture's Timeless Touch

    Posted: 9/29/2023
    Discover Texxture's distinctive use of natural materials, such as volcanic stone and post-consumer clothing, in products ranging from tableware to furniture.

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  • Creating a Buzz: The Inspiring Story Behind Savannah Bee

    New! Creating a Buzz: The Inspiring Story Behind Savannah Bee

    Posted: 9/28/2023
    Explore the remarkable journey of Savannah Bee in an exclusive Q&A with Founder and Owner, Ted Dennard. Beyond being a honey company, Savannah Bee embodies a deep love for bees and their creations, transforming the honey market with innovative packaging.

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  • Shiraleah's Style Secrets

    New! Shiraleah's Style Secrets

    Posted: 9/25/2023
    Discover the secrets behind Shiraleah's unique collections! Dive into an exclusive Q&A with their marketing manager and uncover how they balance trends and timelessness.

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Selling for the Senses

Selling for the Senses

Incorporating sensory experiences such as offering coffee or wine in boutiques can help increase foot traffic and encourage customers to spend more time browsing the store.

July 2023 Industry Update with Doug Cofiell

July 2023 Industry Update with Doug Cofiell

Ivystone CEO Doug Cofiell shares his insight into how the current economy, combined with available technologies, will create balance for our gift and home retailers for the remainder of the year.

Personal Shopping

Personal Shopping

By offering personal shopping services, small retailers can build strong connections with customers, differentiate themselves from competitors, and potentially increase revenue while providing an exceptional shopping experience.

The Local Candle Everywhere

The Local Candle Everywhere

Customization and personalization have become increasingly popular in various industries, including the candle market. Custom candles offer a unique and personalized touch, allowing retailers to create candles that reflect their customer’s preferences.

Strategies for eCommerce Success

Strategies for eCommerce Success

Discover strategic questions to ask yourself as a retailer to build eCommerce success, long before you consider which technology platforms to build your website on.

Live Selling: Setting the Stage

Live Selling: Setting the Stage

Are you intrigued by the concept of selling live on social media, but aren't sure what it would take to get started in your store? Discover the technology and tools you'll need to begin.

Live Selling: Formats

Live Selling: Formats

Live selling on social media can be accomplished through a variety of formats. Learn three different styles from real retailers around the country.

Live Selling: Making Plans

Live Selling: Making Plans

As with any marketing tactic, hosting live sales online takes time and planning. Once you have settled on a format and made any technology and lighting purchases needed, you will want to create an actionable plan for hosting your first several events.

Retail Workshops: Engage Customers Through Creativity

Retail Workshops: Engage Customers Through Creativity

Hosting workshops is an excellent way to engage with your customers, build a community around your store, increase brand loyalty, and generate revenue. Learn more about why you should consider hosting workshops if you are not already, as well as tips to ensure success.